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Author: Mike Cappuccio

Ducted Ductless Systems

Ducted Ductless Systems

Ducted ductless HVAC systems work together to ensure appropriate heating and cooling throughout the home. Mike Cappuccio, owner of N.E.T.R., Inc., discusses this unique system ...
Heating & Air Conditioning in Apartments and Condos (Video)

Heating & Air Conditioning in Apartments and Condos (Video)

Mike Cappuccio talks about heating and air conditioning in apartments and condos, how ductless HVAC systems can be good for both apartment owners and tenants, ...
Air Conditioning Installation in Boston, Massachusetts

Air Conditioning Installation in Boston, Massachusetts

There are as many ductless HVAC options as there are types of homes in Boston. Mike Cappuccio, owner of N.E.T.R., Inc., discusses the ways to ...
How to Solve the Most Common Issues with Commercial HVAC

How to Solve the Most Common Issues with Commercial HVAC

When you own a business, you wear a lot of different hats. You need to know all about your core products and services, but at ...
Benefits of Ductless HVAC for Commercial Buildings (Video)

Benefits of Ductless HVAC for Commercial Buildings (Video)

Mike Cappuccio from N.E.T.R., Inc. talks about HVAC systems in commercial buildings, the difficult situations that sometimes arise with heating and cooling in office environments, ...
What size ductless system do I need?

What size ductless system do I need?

It is incredibly important to make sure you are choosing the right size when picking out a ductless system. But how do you know which ...
Dangers of DIY Ductless System Installation (Video)

Dangers of DIY Ductless System Installation (Video)

Mike Cappuccio from N.E.T.R. Inc. discusses the dangers of installing a ductless system yourself, including buying an incompatible system or the wrong size system, and ...
Massachusetts 2019 Ductless Rebates

Massachusetts 2019 Ductless Rebates

As of March 20, 2019, the MassCEC ductless rebates will no longer be available. Mike Cappuccio, owner of N.E.T.R., Inc., discusses the changes to the ...
Rebates for Boston Area Homeowners Who Heat With Oil

Rebates for Boston Area Homeowners Who Heat With Oil

If you heat your home with oil you have a very small window of opportunity to save an additional $2000 with Mass CEC rebates on ...