Ductless HVAC for Cape-Style Homes

At N.E.T.R. Inc., we have probably completed thousands of ductless installations over the years, and we’ve worked with clients who have all kinds of homes and businesses. If you’re thinking about putting a ductless heat pump into a Cape Cod-style home, you may be wondering how the process will work and how much it will benefit your home.

To give you an overview of what to expect, we have put together several case studies of heat pump installations in Cape-style houses. Keep reading to learn more or contact us today to talk with a comfort consultant.

Cape-Style Home in Lexington, MA

The owners of this Cape-style home were happy with their gas heating system, but they were tired of being hot and uncomfortable during the summer. They had tried window ACs, but they didn’t like the look, the noise, or the cost. Our comfort consultants determined that the best solution for these homeowners was to install a ductless heat pump for AC in the living room.

The new unit promised to keep the family cool during the summer. It also didn’t block the window of their beautiful home, it operated quietly, and it was extremely efficient. As an added bonus, these systems come with both heating and cooling capabilities, allowing the family to supplement their existing heating system.

Cape-Style Home in Framingham, MA

This Cape-style home in Framingham featured window AC units and inefficient baseboard heating. The homeowners were tired of noisy cooling, inconsistent heating, and expensive energy bills all year long.

A ductless heat pump was the perfect solution. N.E.T.R., Inc. installed a two-zone system consisting of an outdoor condenser and two indoor air handling units. This setup allowed the family to keep cool during the summer, and it augmented their baseboard heating during the winter.

Cape-Style Home in Brighton, MA

This Cape-style home in Brighton, MA was using gas heating and window ACs for cooling. Both were inefficient, but the homeowners were particularly concerned about the aesthetic and security issues associated with the window ACs. Ultimately, the family decided on a two-zone system that allowed them to cool their home and supplement their heat, while also improving efficiency and reducing cost. For making this energy-efficient upgrade, the family received rebates from the MassSave program and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (CEC) program.

Cape-Style Home in Tweksbury, MA

When a new family moved into this home in Tweksbury, they instantly knew that they wanted to update its heating and cooling system. The home was using oil heat, and it had no AC. Although window ACs are popular in this area, the homeowners didn’t want to deal with the noise or the look of these systems. They were also dreading the expensive heating bills that often come with oil heating.

So, they called N.E.T.R., and we decided that a two-zone system was perfect for their needs. They put in an outdoor condenser and connected it to indoor air handling units in the living room and bedroom. After a quick installation, these new homeowners were ready to enjoy enhanced heating and cooling and improved efficiency.

Cape-Style Home in Beverly, MA

The owners of this Cape-style home in Beverly, MA were comfortable in the main part of their home, but the room above the garage wasn’t connected to their heating or AC system. Ductless HVAC units are perfect for heating and cooling areas that aren’t connected to your main home and/or additions that aren’t connected to the AC.

To meet this family’s needs, the N.E.T.R. Inc. team recommended a single-zone ductless system for the room above the garage. The indoor air handling unit meant that the homeowners no longer had to worry about putting window ACs in and out every season, and they also got to enjoy consistent heating in this room during the winter.

Cape-Style Home in Lexington, MA

Most of our case studies on Cape-style homes in the Boston area focus on homeowners who want to add cooling or supplemental heat to their homes, but that’s certainly not the only option. Hyperheat ductless HVAC systems can heat homes efficiently in sub-zero temperatures, and that’s just why the owners of this Cape-style home in Lexington, MA decided to go with a ductless system.

They were tired of inefficient, inconsistent heating, and they wanted a solution that didn’t require a lot of renovations. The N.E.T.R. team decided to help out these homeowners by providing them with a single outdoor unit and four indoor units. Each of the units came with its own thermostat, allowing the homeowners to customize the settings for different areas of their homes, while also reducing their energy bills and earning them valuable installation rebates.

Get Ductless for Your Cape Cod-Style Home

Cape Cod-style homes are popular throughout the Northeast they offer a quintessentially American style that is absolutely timeless. Initially popular in the early 1600s, the style died out for over a century until it was revived in Boston in the 1920s. Now, you see all kinds of Cape Cods, but because most of them were built between the 1920s and 1950s, they tend to have old, inefficient heating systems with limited or no cooling.

Luckily, it’s possible to enjoy these historic gems without being uncomfortable or inefficient. If you want to improve heating and add cooling to your Cape Cod, you may want to consider a ductless HVAC system. Ready to learn more? Then, contact us at N.E.T.R. Inc today.