“As a result of this change to utility-funded programs, MassCEC is ending rebates under the Residential and Small-Scale Air-Source Heat Pump Program.” – Mass CEC – December 2018
We just heard that MassCEC Air-Source Heat Pump Rebate Program is going away!
As of March 2019, the Mass Clean Energy Center (CEC) will no longer accept rebate submission for (cold climate) Mitsubishi ElectricH2i Hyper Heat ductless heat pump systems.
If you are still interested in getting one of these mini-split systems for your home, you will need to act ASAP to get your rebate application in under the program deadline.
The system must be installed by the end of February 2019 in order to take full advantage of these substantial rebates of up to $2,000.
Don’t leave any money on the table. Please contact me ASAP to lock in your rebate now!
If you have any questions, please let us know when you have a few minutes to talk about your situation.