Switching from Oil Heat to an Electric Heat Pump – 2 Heat Pumps with Zoning

Not every call we receive is because something is broken. Maybe a little adjustment is needed, or the homeowner wants to try something new. That was the case here in this beautiful home. The homeowner had been using oil heat for this large home, and wanted to reduce the use of oil. That’s where N.E.T.R., Inc. comes in.

Changing from Oil Heat to an electric Heat Pump

Problem: Using too much oil to heat home. Wanted to try something different.  

Solution: Installed 2 heat pumps, with zoned air conditioning, so that they could heat the rooms that were being used. 

A Great Investment

This kind of installation is going to help them with a few things. First off, they are still using oil heat, so this ductless install will only supplement their current system to make the house completely comfortable. No removal of an old system necessary. 

This technology will also help save money on energy bills, being that it is an energy efficient solution. This kind of technology may also be eligible for the MASS SAVE rebate.

The warranty on all qualifying systems installed after April 1, 2015 has recently been extended to 12 years! Click here to see the details. 

Keep your Boston Home Comfortable and Beautiful

The ideal air conditioning solution for a Massachusetts Home

One of N.E.T.R., Inc.’s comfort consultant specialist, went out to help the homeowner find the right solution. 

The home owner decided to have 2 heat pumps installed. For him he saw the benefit to be using less or no oil to heat his home. As you can see it’s a large home so he will only condition the rooms/zones he is using.

This gives him complete control of the home, and will help to reduce energy costs. 

Heating with Ductless HVAC

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