When you select a Mitsubishi ductless or ducted indoor unit, you get to choose from a wide range of different controllers. The list of options includes the following:

  • Touch MA Controller PAR-CT01MAU-SB
  • kumo Cloud
  • Deluxe MA Controller PAR-40MAAU
  • Simple MA Controller PAC-YT53CRAU-J
  • kumo touch wireless controller MKH2
  • kumo station PAC-WHSO1HC-E
  • Thermostat interface PAC US444CN-1

These controllers are compatible with most Mitsubishi indoor ductless units. They feature intuitive user interfaces, convenient touchscreens, and fun personalization elements. Use these controllers to select the comfort settings on your Mitsubishi heating and cooling unit, and schedule heating and cooling adjustments based on your schedule.

Features of the Controllers for Mitsubishi Units

These controllers boast a range of great features. Although the exact elements vary depending on the controller you select, here are some of the options you may find.

  • Customizable-color touchscreen — Choose from 180 different color patterns. The color LCD touch panel can be customized to match your home or office.
  • Settings parameter selection — In commercial settings where you only want users to be able to make certain adjustments, you can control which settings are displayed and available. For instance, in a hotel, you may only want to give guests access to basic settings.
  • Multi-language support — Control many of these Mitsubishi ductless controllers with the language of your choice, and change the language as needed for guests and other users.
  • Bluetooth connectivity — Connect some of these controllers to your smartphone, tablet, or other devices with an app and enjoy even more convenient control over your settings.
  • Integrated controls — If you’re using both a fuel-based system and an electric heat pump, integrated controls let you have power over both.

To learn more about the features of your desired controller, contact us at NETR today. Our HVAC specialists have completed Mitsubishi’s highest level of contractor training, and we are ready and able to answer your questions.

Using the Mitsubishi Controllers

When you select the maximum and minimum temperature settings for the zone, your Mitsubishi unit will keep your zone between these two temperatures. You can also easily change the settings as needed.

In the system mode settings, you can play with a variety of different modes including the following:

  • Auto mode keeps the zone in your desired temperature range.
  • Cool and heat modes let you select a specific cooling or heating set point.
  • Dry mode lets you adjust the humidity settings.
  • Fan mode doesn’t adjust the temperature, but it adjusts the fan in a way that affects your comfort.
  • Setback mode puts the unit into an economical standby position when you don’t need heating or cooling in the zone.
  • Vane control lets you control the airflow through the vanes if you have ceiling cassettes, and it also lets you turn on the swing settings.
  • And more

Explore Controllers

Well-designed controllers are part of what makes Mitsubishi ductless products so special. Use these controllers to easily change your heating and cooling settings from anywhere in the room.

Touch MA Controller

kumo cloud

Deluxe MA Controller

Simple MA Controller

kumo touch Wireless Controller

kumo station

Thermostat Interface

Related Resources

Instructional Videos About Mitsubishi Controllers

To help you learn more about the controller you’ll use for your Mitsubishi heating and cooling unit, we’ve put together the following video on our YouTube channel.

Have other questions? Then, contact us directly. Or, request a topic for our next video about Mitsubishi heat pump controllers.

Case Studies

The right heating and cooling solution coupled with the optimal controller can improve the comfort of your home and reduce your heating and cooling bills. Take a look at these case stories to see our work in action:

  • A family enjoys consistent heating and cooling after turning to ductless HVAC (Somerville, MA)
  • Homeowners add heating and cooling to their home’s expansion (Stoneham, MA)
  • Homeowners improve comfort with three-zone ductless heating and a cloud-based controller (Newburyport, MA)
  • Central AC with heat pump and WiFi controllers improve comfort at a retirement home and event center (Weston, MA)
  • Condo gets upgraded to ductless heating and cooling system with a kumo cloud controller (Boston, MA)

Or, look at the residential case studies page to learn even more. From that page, you can search based on location and housing type so that you can find case studies that reflect your situation.

Learn More About Mitsubishi Heating and Cooling

To learn more about heating and cooling, check out these blogs, podcasts, and e-books.

  • Integrated Controls for Ductless and Oil-Based Heating Systems (podcast)
  • Combining a Ductless and Traditional Heating System (video)
  • Which Ductless System Is Right for You? (blog)
  • Your Complete Guide to Energy Efficient Heating with Ductless HVAC (Ebook)
  • Your Complete Guide to Energy Efficient Cooling with Ductless HVAC (Ebook)


When you upgrade to a Mitsubishi heating and cooling system with a compatible controller, you may qualify for a rebate. Learn more about rebates for choosing efficient HVAC solutions on our rebates page.

Contact Us to Talk About Mitsubishi Controllers

Mitsubishi controllers give you enhanced control over your heating and cooling. They are similar to a smart thermostat, but they do much, much more. We can help you pick out the optimal heating and cooling solution for your home. Then, we’ll help you narrow in on the best controller to make the most of your heating and cooling unit.

Ready to learn more about Mitsubishi controllers? Then, contact us directly. We have extensive experience helping home and business owners throughout Massachusetts, and because our contractors have earned the highest level of Mitsubishi certification, you can rest assured that you are in good hands when you work with NETR, Inc.