Update: October 2, 2016: From the Old Farmer’s Almanac’s 2017 Winter Forecast
Snowfall will be above normal from southern New England and western New York southward through the Appalachians, but not in northern New England. Snowfall with also be above what’s typical from eastern Minnesota to the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan and southward to St. Louis, Missouri; and from central North Dakota westward to the Pacific. We expect below-normal snowfall in most other places that normally receive snow. — The Old Farmer’s Almanac *
As we are hit with yet another blizzard, a.k.a. snowicane Neptune, here in Woburn, expecting something like another 8-12 more inches of white stuff, it bears mentioning that you have to get that snow off the top and sides of your outdoor heat pumps to ensure the warmth of your home.
You can read all about it by clicking here, Winter Storm Neptune Tip: Keep Your Heat Pumping and Your Home Warm.
If you want to avoid that trek through two feet of snow in the future, here are a few examples of ways to protect your outdoor heat pump unit from heavy snowfall, and your feet from winter’s biting cold.
You’d have to be a little handy to put together something like this, but with a few tools and a little bit of lumber, you can create this permanent protective cover.
These are available for purchase from specific vendors if you’re looking for a non-diy solution.
A simple solution for those who prefer PVC over wood.
Leaving it bare.
They’re designed to deal with all extremes of New England weather. And most of the time, you won’t have to go out to brush the snow or debris off your unit. But when you go to such great lengths to achieve comfort and balance with your HVAC system, you need to be ready to either walk out to clear the snow from around your outdoor unit. Or send your kid out there to do it for you.
They seem to be able to take this kind of weather without missing a beat!
North Andover, MA 01845
(781) 933-6387
james says:
how can i purchase a cowl for winter?
Tommy Snook says:
How much is metal thing in separate pieces with buddy in picture.
N.E.T.R. says:
Hello Tommy, that cover was hand built so the price of the pieces depend upon where you can find the PVC and metal sheet. N.E.T.R. does not sell covers for ductless units.
Diane says:
So this is only a diy project ? You don’t sell them ? I would have no one to help build it ?
N.E.T.R. says:
Hello, Diane. We do not sell covers for our units as we find these are more up to each customer to determine if they need them as they aren’t always necessary depending on how your heat pump has been installed. However, there are other companies that sell them if building one yourself is not an option. A regular handyman should be able to install it for you as well.