Ipswich has a variety of fantastic homes, but this post & beam beauty just says New England. Our homeowners were using older electric wall unit heaters like the one to the left that were both unattractive and inefficient. They were looking for a solution that would provide them with greater comfort, year round, while also enhancing the charm of their home.
The hidden bonus?
As you can see from the picture above, the ductless units are small, attractive and best of all, very quiet!
Not only has the owner improved the efficiency of his heating AND air conditioning equipment, saving him on energy bills, but many homeowners, like this one, can qualify for large rebates from Mass CEC and Mass Save due to the efficiency of these Mitsubishi ductless hyperheat systems.
The equipment installed takes up significantly less room, and is much more attractive than the old wall mounted units. Combined with the dramatic reduction they’re going to see on energy bills, the equipment we installed should be able to pay for itself, while making this post & beam home completely comfortable, year ’round.
Increasing the value of this home
In choosing this type of system, the owner has protected his home and increased his long term property value by going with some of the best heating and air conditioning technology available to the residential market.
The warranty on all qualifying systems installed after April 1, 2015 has recently been extended to 12 years! Click here to see the details.
A ductless solution for this split level Ipswich home.
We were able to replace these old electric units with Mitsubishi HyperHeat heat pump units that would not only provide efficient heat in the Winter, but could also provide cooling in the summer. In addition, these units are ductless, so all the unattractive piping you see above is replaced with a wall unit that can be tucked up out of the way near the ceiling.
The hyperheat units are operated by a simple remote control, allowing pinpoint adjustments to both heating and cooling at the touch of a button. Now instead of having hot & cold spots in this picture perfect home, the homeowners will enjoy the comfort you might expect in such a lovely and picturesque surrounding.