People make all kinds of statements about the weather. “Summers are hotter.” “Winters are snowier.” “It wasn’t like this when I was a kid.” But speculation can only take you so far.
Wondering what’s really happening with the weather in Boston and throughout the rest of the Northeast? Then, check out the following facts.
1. Temperatures are rising.
Over the last 100+ years, temperatures in the Northeast have risen. From 1895 to 2011, average temperatures in this area increased by 2°F. Over the next 50 or 60 years, climate analysts expect to see another increase of 4.5°F to 10°F.
2. Heat waves are increasing.
It can be hard to notice a couple of degree changes in average temperatures, but it’s easy to notice a heat wave. In recent years, this area has experienced an increase in the temperatures, length, and frequency of heat waves.
3. Precipitation patterns are changing.
Over the last 50 years, the amount of rain during heavy rain storms has increased by 70%. That means if a precipitation event used to bring in one inch of rainfall, it’s now likely to bring in 1.7 inches. These numbers become even more dramatic with higher amounts of rainfall, and this is the highest anticipated rainfall increase anywhere in the United States.
However, the Northeast isn’t just experiencing an increase in rainfall. It is exhibiting different rainfall patterns. The heavy rains tend to happen during the spring and winter, and summer and fall are going to become much drier.
This may lead to drought-like conditions during the warm seasons. The rising temperatures will cause the snow and rain to evaporate much more quickly. As a result, you’re more likely to get droughts.
4. Hot 90°F days are on the rise.
Between 1971 and 2000, very few areas in the Northeast had more than 10 days per year over 90°F. Those temps tended to happen in New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, D.C., and the surrounding areas. Analysts expect the area for these hot days to increase substantially over the next few years.
No one can tell the future, but climate analysts believe that the southern portion of the Northeast will be the most likely to see the most significant increases in hot days. The urban areas listed above are likely to have anywhere from 50 to 70+ days over 90°F. The Boston area is projected to have anywhere from 20+ to 40+ very hot days every year.
5. Boston’s average high is over 75 all summer.
During June, July, and August, the average high temperature in Boston is 76°F, 81°F, and 80°F respectively. During July and August, the temps stay high all day and night with the average low at only 65°F. In June, however, the temps get a little cooler with the average low at just 60°F.
6. Boston’s winter average low is just under freezing.
In December, the average low in Boston is 28°F. During January and February, temps drop a bit further, and the average low is just 22°F and 25°F during those months. In March, the low jumps up to 31°F, and it’s up another 10°F in April.
However, it’s important to note that these temps are averages. Some days have a lot higher lows, while others have much lower lows. Currently, though, due to rising temperatures, there are only about 46 hours per year where Boston drops to below zero temps.
7. Boston has up to 300 hours of sunshine per month.
If you’re thinking about solar panels, you’re in luck — Boston has a surprising amount of sunshine. During the sunniest month of the year (July), the area boasts 300 hours of sunshine. That means the sun is shining almost all day every day. The other summer months have about 280 hours of sunshine, and even in the darkest winter months, the city still has about 150 hours of sunshine.
Stay Comfortable All Year With N.E.T.R. Inc.
Is your HVAC system up to the challenge of changing weather patterns? Will it keep you cool in the winter and warm in the summer? Is it efficient and designed to reduce your carbon footprint? We can help you answer yes to all of these questions.
At N.E.T.R., Inc. we offer traditional and ductless heating and cooling solutions. Ready to be comfortable all year? Then, contact us for a comfort consultation today.